Press on ~ have faith that relief is on the horizon. Lean by faith, not by feelings. It's how I have learned how to cope with pain. I don't need anyone to fix it for me ~ just sharing where I am today ~ it's the nature of the brain tail beast. Queli's post really helped me put words to what I have been feeling lately ~ reminding my that I do have a greater purpose on Earth that is greater than the bounds of my human body.
Hope and faith in the Lord is the only thing holding my up today.
My chiari headaches were always much worse when the weather changed. It is humid and gray and cooler here today, and I am marveling that while I have what many would consider a "bad"'s so much better than what it would have been before.
Chiarians are like living barometers. Truely.
I love rainy weather..I do..but it seems today is a suck day for all zipperheads. At least for the Co-op, anyway
Hang in there Lace. Living in NC I can say the weather is horrible on ACM. We don't need the Weather Channel anymore. :)
God is going to get all of us through this mess. In the last week I have felt like giving up since so much is being thrown at me but I know God is with me. He has needed to carry me a lot lately but He has the strength to help us move forward when we feel there is nothing left and we need to give up.
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