Saturday, March 10, 2007

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Finally, I have started the process for getting an appointment at the Chiari Institute! My doctors have concurred that it would be a good idea to see the specialist to review my case before proceeding with brain surgery. Of course after they review my medical history application, then I will get an appointment for sometime this summer. That is a long way off, but I am happy that my case is moving in a forward direction.

I have been a little concerned as the vertigo has gotten more frequent and intense lately. The ground beneath me feels like it is moving in waves and I feel like I am spinning like a top. A healthy dose of humor has helped me to keep my sanity. Just yesterday, I kept banging right into door jams ~ I couldn't help but laugh at myself. I mean ~ come on ~ it's just not normal to feel this way and it's so different than I was feeling this time last year. What a wacky hand of cards I have been dealt ~ OK ~ so how do I deal with all of this change and total insanity??? If it weren't for my faith in God, I think I would be a total wreck! I don't know what the future holds for me ~ but I am sure that as long as I trust that He is contol, I will make it through this difficult time.

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