Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Monthsary!

How could a month passed by so quickly ~ one breath at a time. It's been a month since my brain lift ~ I survived Christmas and New Years Eve. I really don't have any complaints. My recovery is moving along at warp speeds. According to my husband, AKA Warden Bubba, I need to park it and slow down a bit. In theory, that's good advice, but he is out of the house 40 hours a week at work and I no longer require any caretakers ~ you connect the dots.

I started physical therapy and am doing quite well. It's such a humbling experience to pick up three pound free weights and do bicep curls when I used to curl 10-15 lbs before the brain tail hurled me down a dark and twisted path. The hand bike was the most challenging exercise I did today at PT. My session finished up with the balance board ~ man was that fun! Having vertigo was one of my chief complaints prior to surgery and I thought I might never feel balanced again. I have been working on the balance activities on the Wii Fit and I have already seen some improvement.

Baby steps ~ one day at a time ~ slowly I will get my full strength back again. For a year before brain surgery I was growing my hair out so that I would have an adequate comb-over and today I had my hair cut. My hair stylist was so gentle and made extra care not to rake the comb over my zipper scar. She cut off about 2 inches and evened everything up a bit. We decided to wait until the spring before jumping into a new style. She commented that I had so many hospital chemicals all throughout my hair still ~ it will take several more weeks for the morphine and anesthesia to make it's way out of my system.

There's a nor'easter headed our way tonight ~ snow and ice expected overnight and throughout the day tomorrow. Planning on chilling on the couch and relaxing all day long ~ hey ~ maybe I will even dive into studying again for my SQL exam ~


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you're doing well, Lacie. You sound really upbeat and positive. Hope you enoy a relaxing day today!


Patti said...

Hi Lacie~ you do sound like you are doing very well, congrats on your 1 montherversary!!

My 1 year anniversary is this Sunday, the 11th! Now that is unbelieveable!


Overflowing Brain said...

Woo hoo. So glad to hear the first month is over. It gets easier every day from here on out.

And a double woo hoo for physical therapy. Yes, the arm bike is a horrid torture device, but you'll build up the stamina before you know it. And then you'll just dread it because it's dull. :)

Also glad the hair thing worked out, that was so very traumatic to me, so I'm glad you are rocking the comb-over already!